My Story with This Book: This book was given to me by Joni and Friends Oregon. They frequently gift parents of children with special needs with encouraging books and other resources.

Author: Rachel and Andrew Wilson

Rating: 4/5 — Recommend

Genres: Spiritual, Special Needs, Uplifting

Where to find it: Amazon

Synopsis: A couple with two children experiencing Autism share stories of hope, endurance, and gratitude. Chapters are short and easy to read as a daily devotional, or while sitting in a waiting room.

Response: While it’s well-written and a nice read, I tend to enjoy books that are more challenging. My rating was primarily due to my personal preferences and not a reflection of the quality of writing. Yes, it’s nice and enjoyable, but not quite to the depth that I was hoping for. Still, it may be just that little extra bit of hope for another parent who has a different taste in books than I have.

Content: Very clean; Appropriate for all ages, but mostly parents would be interested

Theology: Biblically sound, doctrine kept general and interdenominational